Date: 3 August – 7 August, 2022.

Place: Hungary, Vonyarcvashegy, Gym of the Eötvös Károly Primary School. Address: Vonyarcvashegy, Fő u. 84, 8314. (More than 300 m2 of tatami!)

Teacher: Stéphane Goffin, 6. dan aikikai

Stéphane Goffin teaches continuously and gives aikido seminars in many countries. He is also a technical director of aikido groups in many different countries.

Aikido summer seminar 2022 price:

All seminar: 100 EUR – Weekend: 50 EUR – One day: 20 EUR

Accomodatiton possibility (shared rooms): Vonyarcvashegy, Timbi Guesthouse, address: 8314 Vonyarcvashegy, Zrínyi Miklós u. 27. Price is 80 EUR, without meal.

Application for the aikido summer seminar 2022:

Please fill in the application form. 


  • Day of arrival (3. August) : 17:00 – 18.00 – Registration, 18:00-19:30 First aikido training, welcome party from 20.30;
  • Every seminar day: 10:00-11:00 – Weapons training (buki-waza), 11:05-12:00 – Aikido training, 18:00-19:30 Aikido training;
  • Day of departure (7. August): 10.00-11:00 – Weapons training (buki-waza), 11:05-12:00 – Aikido training, 12.00 – Placing the mats and departure.

For more information about the aikido summer seminar 2021, send an email to gergely.csak @, or call 0036 20 9 654 298.

The Aikido Summer Seminar is supported by NEA, Miniszterelnökség and Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő.